Neumarkter Lammsbräu Brewery, Germany
Use of the WFF 150 vortex fine filter
Object data
Neumarkter Lammsbräu Brewery, Germany | 2000
Project information
Neumarkter Lammsbräu has 380 years of brewing tradition and is today a consistently ecological beverage producer with 80 employees. Water is the No. 1 means of production here and is treated carefully, saved where possible. For this reason, rainwater from several flat roofs is collected for the in-house cooling systems, brought together via gutters and a special filter system from WISY AG and stored in stainless steel tanks. From there, the lime-free rainwater is fed into cooling condensers without further treatment.
Roof area [㎡]
Feeding the cooling condensers for beverage production
Cistern volume [㎥]
Rainwater yield [m³ / year]
Neumarkt, Germany
Vortex fine filter WFF 150, mesh size 0.28 mm
Project information
Am investment of around 5,000 euros for material was necessary to install the rainwater harvesting system. As far as the rainwater reaches, the company saves the softening of the otherwise used well water. Thus, the personnel and maintenance costs are lower than before, as the time intervals until regeneration of the ion exchangers are significantly longer. Depending on the rain yield, between 600 and 900 cubic metres of rainwater are used per year, which saves more than 1,500 euros in water costs annually.
Special features
No water softening necessary:
Softening of rainwater is not necessary. The reduced need for well water also leads to reduced personnel and maintenance costs.
Savings per year:
In addition to saved maintenance costs, approx. 800 m³ well water and € 1,500 water costs.
WISY products used
Neumarkter Lammsbräu Brewery, Germany
Picture gallery
Cooling in a brewery in Germany